
Monday, October 25, 2010

Remember Me?!

I apologize for not having a new post lately!  It seems that the children's schedules, work, and life in general has caught up with me!  We have had a very busy nest lately!  Football season has come to a close for the oldest child and we have one more week of baseball season left for child #2.  We have been working on school projects, Halloween costumes and school work in general.  I have been a busy bee grading papers and getting report cards ready to go out!  Does any of this sound familiar to any you?  I am sure I am preaching to the choir! :)

Any way......a new holiday season is upon us!  I can't decide if I will have any Thanksgiving projects to write about or if I will go straight to Christmas.  I have a feeling I will go straight to Christmas.  I am not trying to dis Thanksgiving, but I usually don't decorate for this holiday.  To be honest, by time I finally get all my Halloween decorations down it is time to start decorating for Christmas!  There I said it!  I know I should put them away the day after, but I am not that organized.  However, maybe this will be the year the decorations are packed and put back in their place before December 1st!

Thanks for stopping by!
Our Southern Nest


  1. I know what you mean by all of that too girl!!! So weeks are just crazy for me! I can't wait to see your christmas decor!!! I know it's going to be FAB!!!

    Happy Monday!

  2. Thanks for the support Jennifer! Glad to know that I am not the only one. I sent your football today so you should have it this week! Have a great week!
