
Monday, April 12, 2010

Oh, my aching back...

Well, spring break is over and I did not finish all of the projects I had on my list.  I did finish half of them...maybe.  My dear sweet in-laws were here this weekend for their "grandchild-fix" tour.  They stopped by our house for the weekend to visit with our children and will be on their way to the next state to visit the other grandkids.

While they were here, my father-in-law helped with the front yard and my mother-in-law watched the kiddos.  This was such a huge help, but I  hope we didn't scare them away!  Our children were so excited to see them, and I thought O would explode before they arrived.  I enjoy their visits and it makes me wish we all lived closer to one another.  Maybe one day...

I will post pictures of our progress later today.  For now, back to reality and my other job!

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